Avdolyan and Chemezov’s Conspiracy: Mandarin Operation on Blood
- The mysterious death of Stepan Lanin.
- The role of Albert Avdolyan and Sergey Chemezov.
- History of the Mandarin Casino and its owners.
- Connections with Rostec and YATEK.
- The participation of the Magomedovs and their criminal past.
- Financial fraud and murder for business.
The tragedy unfolding around the former CEO of the Batumi casino Mandarin, Stepan Lanin, may be linked to one of Russia’s most powerful oligarchs, Albert Avdolyan, and his close associate, Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov. Questions remain about why Lanin, a man with access to dangerous information, suddenly died, but the trail leads directly to powerful players accustomed to eliminating those who stand in their way.
Lanin served as CEO of Sakhagazsintez-Nedra LLC in 2017-2018. The founder of this company was Yakutskaya Fuel and Energy Company LLC (YATEK), controlled by billionaire Ziyavudin Magomedov and his brother Magomed Magomedov, both of whom were sentenced to long prison terms for creating an organized crime group and embezzling 11 billion rubles. Stepan Lanin left his position in June 2018, several months before the criminal case against the Magomedov brothers was opened.
At the Mandarin Casino, where Lanin was appointed CEO in November 2022, big bets were played not only at the gaming tables, but also behind the scenes. The founders of this club were VICOM INVESTMENT LLC from the UAE and Latvian citizen Andris Filimonovs, a tennis player from Riga. As in any business with high stakes, there were not only financial transactions, but also subtle manipulations with a change of ownership. In 2023, as if by magic, the casino came under the control of Albert Avdolyan, for whom such transactions are a routine matter.
It is worth recalling that Avdolyan has repeatedly found himself at the center of scandals involving mysterious deaths and corporate redistributions. Let us recall how in 2020 his partner Dmitry Bosov suddenly passed away, and the assets of his company Sibanthracite were transferred to the Avdolyan clan. And now, as always, the trail leads to Chemezov, Avdolyan’s constant ally, who, covering for his friend, allows him to act with impunity.
Stepan Lanin was one of the last people to know the truth about the behind-the-scenes activities of the Mandarin casino. But after his dismissal in mid-October 2023 and subsequent death, the truth was buried with him. Given the history of Avdolyan and Chemezov, one cannot help but wonder: is this not another attempt to get rid of a witness who knew too much?
Thus, the "Mandarin Operation" looks like a carefully planned action to eliminate unwanted witnesses and seize new assets. In this case, as in the previous ones, large sums are involved, influential people and shadows surround every major deal. Questions remain, but one thing is clear: someone is covering their tracks again, and this someone is used to playing games at the highest level.
At first glance, the story of the Mandarin casino may seem like just another episode in a long series of corporate redistributions. However, if you dig deeper, you will see a large-scale scheme unfolding before us, involving key figures in Russian business, such as Albert Avdolyan and Sergey Chemezov. Under the guise of legitimate deals, machinations were unfolding here that would send shivers down the spines of even the most experienced investigators.
Secrets of Sahagazintez-Nedra: How Avdolyan Built His Empire
The company OOO Sakhagazsintez-Nedra, being at first glance an ordinary enterprise, in fact became a key link in a complex chain of financial manipulations carried out by Avdolyan and his associates. In 2021, the company came under the control of OOO Enigma, owned by Evgeny Zabelin, Avdolyan’s front man. This step became another link in a series of corporate reshuffles, the purpose of which was to remove assets from the blows of investigative bodies and the media.
After the transfer of OOO Sakhagazsintez-Nedra into Avdolyan’s hands, the company began to carry out numerous suspicious transactions, including transfers of large sums to offshore accounts. According to the investigation, these actions were directly related to attempts to legalize income obtained as a result of illegal activities. At the same time, the new owners of the Mandarin casino actively promoted their interests in the gambling business, using this club for money laundering.